Friday, June 29, 2007

Mostly Winged Things

For some reason this dump truck was parked on the main street by my house. It looked as though the driver was talking with someone from the neighborhood. May I just say it had a rather foul smell, cause it did. Regardless, I had to take a picture because the For Sale sign was cracking me up, and the Mack dog adhered to the front of it was rather humorous as well.

The below photos were all taken at my house...

Click to see larger versions of the pictures.


Marsha said...

You have an awful lot of bugs in your yard...your cats must be lazy.

Anonymous said...

do you take them in BW or do you use software afterward?

~E said...

My camera does color, B&W and sepia. So I switch over to B&W. I just have to remember what mode I am in. :) I am getting quicker at changing the modes.

Anonymous said...

love the bw dragonfly

Uzz said...

That dragonfly pic shows great composition! Excellent use of black and D200 can switch modes, but I usually shoot in color and then process into black and white in PS...I love messing with the Levels and Contrast once I alter it...yeah...I sounds like I have a real life:-)