Friday, May 11, 2007

So I have been running around flocking strangers' yards with flamingos. I must admit that it can be rather fun. I am volunteering with and we are doing flockings Tuesday and Friday nights. The shirt I am wearing in the photo says Flock U. I think that next year they should add on the shirt so that it makes more sense. But a big pink Flock U is a bit funny.

Andrea and I met for dinner last week before we went flocking and we were approached about our shirts, which was cool because then we were able to share about the organization. Anyway, I am wearing capris today because it is getting hot and I don't want to fry. To the right is a picture of Andrea. I am leaving it up until she reads this blog and tells me to take it down. :) Actually, I know I will see her tonight and I will let her know that the 4.5 people who read my blog will see a picture of her arguing with a hand puppet.

Last week I went to New York on a business trip. Alas, I didn't make it into the city but I did eat well. If I go back I will try to arrange to stay with my sister's friend who lives in the city. So to entertain myself on the flight home, I took pictures out my window. The picture to the left is of the O'hare Airport. The non pared down photo is pretty cool because you can see the planes on the runway. Anyway, I took a whole bunch of photos of clouds and the earth below.
I was glad to get home as the whole trip seemed to mainly involve scrambling to get to the next place. While in New York we visited a small town named Katona. We walked a little bit of the area as we were on a waiting list for the local resturante and we had about forty minutes to burn. So while walking around I saw the largest jade plant I have ever seen. I hoped that I wouldn't get all glare on the photo because I wanted a picture of the massive plant. I need to crop the photo but take a look. >>>>>>
I have more to blog about but will do so a bit later. I know I owe Marsha a response to her tag and I actually started on my answers the other day. I will post them soon.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Only crazy people argue with hand puppets...wait...